Friday, June 22, 2012

Betty gang.

I am one of the members of Ugly Betty's gang. Haha. Okay, you guess yourself.

I got great news yesterday morning, I guess I am an intern of them now. I can't recall what she told me ystrdy cause I was just woke up from my beuty sleep. I am noob I know. Anyway, middle of July gonna work! I am so excited about it! Made me so hyper! hhahahaa. 
Short post again for today, I am really very lazy and... lazyyyy! I feel damn boring at home and I have nothing to do. The lazy me lazy to loasd movie or drama or any other things to watch. Even tv, I got bored with it. Add more interesting shows in afternoon pls :P
Oh. A day wasted. I am waiting for Running Man! :D

Happy Birthday to YungHwa from CnBlue! Really like him a lot when seeing him hugging and playing the guitar duet with Juniel, and he got more muscular. Hiak Hiak Hiak. Never knew that he can be so muscular. ahh ahh. 

Anyway, bye. My eyes are so tired now.... -.- I feel like studying public law now. wth. bye.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Hahahaha. I know the truth. hahahhahaa.
Take it easy lor cmy, and life goes on without that.
I should plan for everything, job, studies and others.

I allow myself to be emo for one day.

Friday, June 8, 2012


I just feel stupid. Which is very very stupid.
Been so directionless these days. oh shit shit shit.


Monday, June 4, 2012


Okay. Questions. Just be honest la.

Let's see who can bear longer! There was hint. -___-

I am having a weird holiday. And I want to have a job.