Thursday, December 31, 2009

My 48th post for 2009.

Hola Hola.
This will be my last post for this year and this is the 48th post!
Today is New Year's Eve and I'll be countdown with my relatives who came back from Australia ;)

Well, will try my best to enjoy this LAST day with my lovely cousins and family !


"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right."

:D No much to say, hope next year will be a better year for me. I will work and study hard! I wanted to kick my laziness away! and...hope i can adapt with new environment! Miss my 2009! Miss my school life!
I want to be a happier person! Most important is...I want to learn how to make friend with STRESS (:

"花多一些時間在新事物上,不要再和舊包袱周旋,那麼我才能往前走得更暢快。" said Mr.Tan. Love this sentence.

once again!

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